Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI) Request Routing: CDNI Footprint and Capabilities Advertisement using ALTO

WG Document


The Content Delivery Networks Interconnection (CDNI) framework [RFC6707] defines a set of protocols to interconnect CDNs, to achieve multiple goals such as extending the reach of a given CDN to areas that are not covered by that particular CDN. One component that is needed to achieve the goal of CDNI described in [RFC7336] is the CDNI Request Routing Footprint & Capabilities Advertisement interface (FCI). [RFC8008] defines precisely the semantics of FCI and provides guidelines on the FCI protocol, but the exact protocol is explicitly outside the scope of that document. This document defines an FCI protocol using the Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) protocol, following the guidelines defined in [RFC8008].

Internet Engineering Task Force